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Our Nursery curriculum is centred on gently caring for our infants in a nurturing and welcoming environment. We assist our youngest children to make positive connections with the adults and children with whom they interact, ensuring they feel secure in this first stage of detachment. Our interest based educational programs cater to the strengths and needs of our children who are guided to develop their social, emotional, physical and thinking skills at their own pace. Through play, social interaction, spontaneous and guided learning experiences such as music, artistic activities, storytelling and physical play, infants grow in confidence and independence.



Our educators create opportunities for our curious toddlers to learn through the personal and interactive exploration of their learning environment. The toddler learning areas and experiences are designed to stimulate the early stages of reading, writing and problem solving and to challenge the children to reflect. Through spontaneous and thoughtful interactions with educators and peers, our toddlers gain confidence in self- help skills such as feeding themselves, going to the toilet, dressing, communicating ideas and decision making.

Junior Pre-School

Junior Pre-School

In the Junior preschool program, we assist children in understanding themselves and developing the skills to interact appropriately with those around them. Our educators provide our children with a sense of belonging to a family and to a broader community, which we believe is fundamental to the development of confidence in every child. Learning experiences are designed to promote their social, emotional, physical, linguistic and thinking skills. In all their interactions, children learn about treating others fairly and respectfully and are given the freedom to make their own choices in an environment where children’s eagerness, curiosity and creativity are encouraged.



Children’s social competence is at the core of an effective transition to school. Being socially competent more adequately prepares children to take on the challenges that school presents. Educators create an inclusive environment, encouraging positive gender, racial and cultural understanding, and provide learning experiences that build confidence, resilience and self-esteem. Children are invited to make their own choices and reflect upon them in an environment where their curiosity and creativity are supported.

Curriculum Elements

Curriculum Elements


Play is considered to be the natural learning environment for children and is the cornerstone of how young children learn. It is through play that children are able to explore ideas, solve problems, negotiate, make connections and engage with others. We allow children ample time to engage in both structured and unstructured play for the purpose of acquiring critical skills necessary for social, emotional, cognitive and physical development. Our educators use play based activities both indoors and outdoors in group and individual settings to broaden the children’s learning and help achieve their age specific milestones. 

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Curriculum Elements

Curriculum Elements


Across all age groups, educators respond to children’ s interests by co-constructing learning stories based on developing children’ s knowledge on a topic that is meaningful to them. Using children’ s interests as the basis for our curriculum ensures that learning remains interesting and relevant.

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Curriculum Elements

Curriculum Elements

Learning Environments

An educational environment that is welcoming, inviting and engaging presents opportunity for deeper and more meaningful learning and development. Our environment promotes an overall sense of comfort and safety, a place where all children belong. Learning spaces are thoughtfully designed to provide children opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills,
dispositions and feelings. They are rich in
stimuli for purposeful activity and filled with choice, allowing children to engage with their individual interests.

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Curriculum Elements

Curriculum Elements


We assist children in developing a healthy and respectful relationship with nature. A child’ s affinity to the natural environment grows out of regular
contact with, and play in, the natural world. By incorporating nature into daily learning experiences, we can encourage understanding of the natural environment, embedding important concepts of sustainability and supporting our children in becoming environmentally responsible individuals.

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Curriculum Elements

Curriculum Elements


We create rich language and literacy experiences that respond to a child’s communication needs. Our experiences comprise the many language forms such as music, movement, dance, storytelling, visuals arts, media and drama, as well as talking, listening, viewing, reading and writing. These various experiences are aimed at moving children through the four stages of literacy development. In this sense the children in our care are guided towards becoming active, confident communicators by focussing on building vocabulary and language which supports problem-solving, and the ability to use one’s imagination – all of which are fundamental to the language a child needs going forward to school.

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Curriculum Elements

Curriculum Elements


We respect the notion that children should have a say regarding matters that involve them. Inviting children to share their ‘ voice’ not only provides them with the opportunity to express themselves, but empowers them to become an active participant in the decision-making process for their learning.Communication can take many forms, including orally, written, through art or any other media a child may choose to make their thinking visible to others. Children are invited to express their voice in various ways, including both verbally and non-verbally, assisting them to achieve social, emotional, cognitive and language milestones of their age group and strengthening their overall learning experience.

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Curriculum Elements

Curriculum Elements


The elements that comprise numeracy are space, measurement, prediction, estimation, problem solving, number, sorting, ordering and classifying. Children are encouraged to explore the world of mathematics daily through implementation of these concepts in the environment in which they interact, the resources and materials they engage with and the spontaneous and intentional learning experiences they experience.

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Curriculum Elements

Curriculum Elements


This curriculum acknowledges the implementation of creative experiences as a means of developing a range of dispositions for learning, particularly the disposition of ‘creativity’. By engaging in the various creative arts of music, movement, visual arts and drama, children are able to explore new ideas or ways of interacting with materials. Children learn in different ways, therefore through an open-ended approach to the provision of resources and experiences, children are able to work towards developing multiple intelligences.

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Curriculum Elements

Curriculum Elements

Inquiry & Investigation

At Little Pines we challenge the children to question and search for answers. Our curriculum encourages each child’ s natural curiosity with hands-on activities that help lay the foundation for life-long learning and healthy development. From their earliest age children learn through what they see, touch, feel and manipulate. Providing safe, readily available materials that children can experiment with, is one of the most important steps towards developing a questioning and processing mind. In the preschool year, children focus on responding to the “who, what, when, how, why” questions about the world around them.

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Curriculum Elements

Curriculum Elements


Our objective is to get kids moving and learning about physical activity! When children engage in physical activity, they are not only laying the foundation for developing fundamental movement skills, they are also learning important healthy habits in order to lead a healthy and active life. We promote active play throughout the day through both structured and unstructured indoor and outdoor play, incorporating physical sessions of 15 minutes per day into the curriculum. We believe that children need to be active every day to promote their healthy growth and development and we further encourage our educators to model positive healthy attitudes towards physical activity.

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